Thursday, February 7, 2008

Deceptively Simple....

Sometimes I have a way of thinking too much--of making things much more complicated or over ambitious than they need to be. My Barbaro proposal may be one example of such behavior. In trying to tell the whole story--which has already been told ad nauseum--I am not really bringing anything new to the table. Authorized means nothing to the reader who has already read it all.

So perhaps the answer is to zero in on one aspect--a closeup, if you will, of something that has not been said or something that epitomizes the entire fable. Because in the end, the Barbaro story has become just that--a myth that has entered our collective frame of consciousness enough to become symbolic for heroic effort, grace under pressure and inspiration.

It is no mystery that Barbaro has inspired people to do amazing things--heal from injuries, cope with chronic illness, become veterinarians, rescue horses, change careers....the list seems to be endless. I write about people so I have decided to focus on the people who have been inspired by Barbaro to do something they might not have done without following his story. I ask you to complete the phrase, Something about Barbaro inspired me to..........

What would you fill in? And while you're at it, have any other animals inspired you in similar ways?

I want to hear your story. Email me or leave me a comment. I'm truly looking forward to hearing from you and excited about what you might tell me.

Not all heroes walk on two feet. Tell my why Barbaro was yours.

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