Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Pet Two Puppies and Call Me in the Morning

Word comes from the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, that the positive effects of having a "familiar, friendly dog close by include lowered blood pressure, slowed heart beat and more relaxed muscles--all signs of reduced stress." In fact, author Stanley Coren says that dogs work better than Prozac and more quickly.

It only took five to twenty four minutes for people to exhibit signs of reduced stress when they were in the company of their dogs while it can take weeks for the effects of anti-depressant medication to kick in. "The data is absolutely unambiguous," Coren elaborated. "This actually works better than having a loved one next to you."

Coren also points to research that demonstrates that dog owners--seniors in particular--visit the doctor less and are physically more active than non-dog owners. And according to Coren, seniors who live with a dog are four times less likely to suffer from depression than non dog owners. "It's quite an amazing statistic," he concurs.

Australian researchers found that the benefits of lower blood pressure associated with dog ownership trumped such factors as smoking and eating a high-fat diet. And while dog ownership is not a panacea, researchers at Penn found that in men who had had a heart attack, those who had the companionship of a dog were more likely to be alive four years later than those who did not.

Need any more proof? Get thee a dog and live longer and stronger. But be forewarned ownership comes with responsibility, expenses and perhaps some restrictions, all of which can cause stress of their own.

So if you're not ready for ownership, maybe you can volunteer at a local shelter to walk and/or play with the dogs or pet sit for your neighbor on occasion. You may not get all the health benefits of living with a dog, but at least you'll both get some exercise and fresh air.

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