Sunday, January 8, 2012

An Introduction to the Introduction

So a lot of people have asked how we found a veterinarian to test and approve our recipes? It was actually easy if you know the right vets! In this case, Dr. Patty Khuly, veterinarian extraordinaire, was so perfect for the job--on so many levels.

I knew Patty through her original blog, Dolittler, which I read religiously. She is, aside from being a very good vet, a very good writer. When I was in the throes of trying to sell my Barbaro manuscript, I wrote her and she graciously connected me to a team of very talented pet writers who used to write the Pet Connection blog, which I also read regularly. Both of these blogs are now defunct.

But all these writers have since migrated over to a new site,VetStreet, which is where you will find some very good pet writing these days, including this recent post that Patty wrote about her introduction to The Culinary Canine.

Bu back to Patty. Not only is she a VMD (vet), she is also an MBA (Wharton) and she went to pastry school!! A dedicated foodie and amazing cook, there was no other choice to write the Intro. She also is quite a pet keeper: dogs, cats and even goats--from which she makes goat cheese.

Need I say more? I hope you read her blog and more importantly, her introduction to The Culinary Canine.

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