Saturday, March 15, 2008

Why I'm Excited about Horton

I am traveling today so excuse the post if it is a bit off topic--the ordeal formerly known as flying requires humor, grace and flexibility--frequent themes in Dr. Seuss, one of my all time favorite geniuses. Yes, I honestly do believe the man was a genius, albeit a very clever and careful one (his estate continues to safeguard his "brand" to this day with an iron fist) who managed to entertain and educate generations of readers about how silly we humans can be.

Naturally when it comes to imparting that lesson, the best teachers are animals (hmm...maybe I'm not so far off topic, after all) and the good doctor's animals are truly some of my best friends. Horton, the elephant, who believes people are worth befriending and defending regardless of their size or station in life, is high on the list. I can't wait to see the new movie about the very wise elephant whose loyalty is my theme song: "I meant what I said and I said what I meant; An elephant is faithful one hundred percent."

I actually have that quote posted above my desk. Consistency, loyalty and saying what you mean are very important to me and I take Horton's words very seriously. Of course, I love many of Dr. Suess' animals--Yertle the Turtle, Gertrude McFuzz and even the sneetches (I think they are animals) but Horton has a special place in my heart. Maybe it's because elephants truly never forget or because they exemplify loyalty, there is something about the trust of these gentle giants that gets me every time.

So if you see me in a kid-friendly movie line this weekend without any little ones in tow, don't be surprised. As far as I'm concerned, Dr. Seuss appeals to the young at heart.

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