Thursday, April 2, 2009

Tweeting About Twitter

A confession. My kids hooked me up on Twitter some time ago. I do not, however, have the time or the inclination to let anybody know what I am doing every minute of the day. So if you send me emails that you are now following me on Twitter (I do get them) please be assured that you will rapidly lose interest. Simply put, I don't Tweet.

I know lots of people use Twitter to get business, promote their books, sell their products or themselves, but I honestly don't get it. I don't want people "following" me--email and cell phones are omnipresent enough--and quite frankly it defeats the purpose of "getting away" by letting everyone know where you are and what you are doing.

And who has time to do this anyway? In between running errands, I should let you know I found a coveted parking space? Who cares? And why would I waste time to post this useless piece of information? And why would I want to be more tethered to my phone than I already am?

Actually, the concept is fairly amusing from a parental point of view. The same kids who complain that their parents are "hovercraft" are now broadcasting their every move. It's like built in GPS with text. If anything, you'd think they'd want to remain anonymous, unless they think we can't figure it out.

So pardon me if I don't respond to your Tweets--if something is important enough, you'll read about it here or get a personal email from me.

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