Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Halloween Safety Tips for Pets

To costume or not to costume, that seems to be the question floating around the animal lover's blogosphere these days. While I will not divulge the details of my own costume decisions (stay tuned), I will tell you that this is probably the first time in many years that I picked up an orange flyer at my vet's office with some Calming Halloween Fright tips for pets.

Have we gone overboard in our vigilance? I'm not sure. Perhaps we have gone overboard in our celebration of All Hallows Eve and there very well may be some frightening aspects of it for your pet.

Some of the tips are just plain common sense, like bring your dog indoors. Of course there will be ghosts and goblins wandering the streets and dogs left outside are going to bark and/or frighten the tots who are collecting their candy. A follow up to the suggestion to keep your pet indoors is the coda to keep him confined to a room well away from the front door. In my house that would be next to impossible unless I would like to have the paint scraped off a door. I will simply keep them with me, wearing collars, so if need be, I can corral them. Better yet, I may let them drag around their leashes. . .

As for candy, well you know the drill. No chocolate for dogs, or anything else in that haul. And please remind your kids NOT to leave the candy within dog sniffing or striking distance, i.e., off the floor. Ditto to keeping tails away from open flames, like candles. Better yet, substitute glow sticks for candles. Safer all around.

And as for costuming your pet, well, it is entirely up to you, but here's a great big caveat: don't put a mask on your pet or anything that he/she could trip over. And if they look miserable, take a quick photo and tie a cute bandana around their neck.

My group will be in costume--hopefully long enough for me to take a photo so stay tuned.

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