Thursday, October 7, 2010

Low Intensity Laser

This blurry photo (sorry it was hard to hold her and take a picture at the same time) is Miss Phoebe wearing her eye protection, in advance of her first low intensity laser treatment which took place yesterday at my vet's office. It was quite a scene. It took two of us to get the agile Miss P to cooperate but once she was blindfolded, all went well.

The vet tech and I also donned protective eye wear and then she cranked up the machine. Basically the entire process took about four minutes and consisted of the vet tech running the laser over Phoebe's sore haunch and knee. She had to stand for the treatment but I can assure you she loved every minute of it! It just feels warm and apparently the laser helps healing.

Perhaps Miss Phoebe thought she was getting some sort of state of the art beauty treatment because she truly did calm down and seemed to relax. The most amazing thing however was when she walked out, the dog was walking perfectly--no limp. And just to make sure you don't think I was seeing things, it was Emma, the vet tech who pointed it out.

So now, we do this for three consecutive days and then one or two times next week. Driving Miss Phoebe is going to turn into a full time occupation but so far, so good.


Anonymous said...

Janet Ferguson says. . .

What does the laser treatment do?

Kathryn Levy Feldman (Kit) said...

I believe the low intensity laser is similar to an ultrasound, but more effective. It aids in healing and has p bee most effective in helping muscles heal as well as helping skin lesions and abrasions heal.