Monday, October 18, 2010

Publishing Is not Dead

I spent the better part of Saturday afternoon at a local Writer's Conference, where I focused on the marketing seminars, in preparation for the debut of Lick Your Plate! in October 2011. 2011, you might ask? Aren't you a bit premature? Turns out that I am actually a bit behind, if you can believe it or not!

I've had several good conversations with the publicity person at our publisher and they are very amenable to all my suggestions, but as I learned Saturday, they are also very overworked. We have a 45-90 day window of opportunity right before and when the book actually comes out to make a huge and lasting impression on our readers. So it behooves us to have a many pieces in place NOW so we are literally good to go, next summer.

So, if you have not taken a peek at my website:, I urge you to do so and while you are there to join our Facebook page for Lick Your Plate! The link is at the top of my web site; just click and you should go there. That way you can follow all the progress of the book (and us) as we enter the land of PR!

In the meantime, the video above is the ultimate take away from the conference. Publishing is most certainly not dead, just changing, and it is up to us to take advantage of the opportunities these changes represent.

It's all in how you look at it.

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