Saturday, November 13, 2010

Update on the Cavaletti

Bless my tree guys who came last week to trim some trees in the backyard and almost ran over my improvised Cavaletti course for Phoebe. What is this, they wondered and actually rang the doorbell to ask me.

When I explained that Phoebe had to walk over a series of two inch high objects for physical therapy they asked me why I hadn't called them to set up a real course. After all, they spend the day carting off and cutting down tree limbs.

Why indeed? It would have been brilliant on my part to enlist their help, but in the end, they came through all by themselves. They happened to have a few old railroad ties and they happened to have chain saws and they happened to be have been able to move those ties around like pieces of spaghetti.

The above photo is what they made me--perfectly cut posts, spaced exactly equidistant and out of the way of traffic and dogs.

Miss Phoebe reacted by walking perfectly over each one without even smirking at me. "Now this," she informed me, "is a real Cavaletti."

Thanks guys.

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