Monday, December 6, 2010

Be Careful Where Belly Rubs May Lead

Sometimes in life you just have to go where it leads you. When a friend of mine sent me an email saying that she had met the director of the Animal Cancer Foundation while waiting in line for a towel at the beach club (where she was over Thanksgiving), I knew that this was a person I was supposed to meet. So I sent her (the director) my web site info and a few days ago, we exchanged a nearly two hour phone call.

We have many connections, not the least of which is our mutual friend, but also golden retrievers (she is the former Director of Golden Retriever Rescue on Long Island) and of course, cancer in dogs. We are not sure where this new relationship is going--I do maintain that there is a dog cancer book in me still begging to get out--but I am passing on her recommendation for the book highlighted in the above video.

Apparently this very good writer met a woman who was all about dogs and they ended up moving to New Mexico and starting a sanctuary for small dog with special needs. I am not sure how many dogs he currently shares his life with, but I am told that it is a considerable number. Considerable enough to constitute a pack and that is what is book is about. Living with a pack as a member of the pack.

It is also the inside story of animal rescue from an experienced journalist and some very eye opening insights into dogs as quasi-humans. I pass on the video because I am struck by his last line about how he got where he is today: "I walked through a door marked rub belly frequently and never looked back."

Sounds like the beginning of a worthwhile endeavor.

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