Friday, December 24, 2010

The Night Before

'Twas the night before Christmas
And in the dreams of my pack,
Phoebe was munching a high calorie snack,
Amos was herding his ultimate flock,
And Sam was dancing to Jingle Bell Rock.

Their stockings were hung by the chimney with hope
That a bone or two from a cow would elope.
Would there be coal for stuffed animal destruction?
Or treats for (sometimes) following instructions?

The question to them was most certainly boring,
For all three were engaged in serious snoring.
Of course Santa would deliver--he always came through
Even if they had made a mistake or two.

For as packs go, this one can't be beat
Even if my legs cramp when they sleep on my feet,
They take care of each other and sometimes even me,
Exactly the way a family should be.

So from our home to yours, with love and licks
And few hopes of teaching old dogs new tricks,
We wish you a holiday that's truly great
And begin the countdown to Lick Your Plate!

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