Monday, January 31, 2011

Ibuprofen Warning

This is Dexter, a beloved German Shepherd, who belongs to Dr. Randi Hutter Epstein. Dr. Epstein almost killed Dexter the week before Christmas and writes about it in the NY Times Blog, Well Pets.

The message is important enough for me to paraphrase. Do not give your dog human medicine without checking with your vet. Period. Even if you are a human doctor.

Dr. Epstein gave Dexter a few doses of human high-dose ibuprofen for his arthritis. I'll let the good doctor tell the story: "I had given Dexter three 600 milligram pills. He stopped limping but he also stopped eating and for the first time in his life, wet himself during the night. That's when I called the veterinarian."

Who called Epstein right back and said to get Dexter to an animal hospital immediately. "After a seven day stay in the intensive care unit, ultrasound exams and a big bottle of take-home medicine, I brought Dexter home, along with a $3000 vet bill," admits the good doctor.

Moral of the story: do not treat pets as people when it comes to administering human meds. Even if you are a doctor.

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