Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Shot in the Dark

The mantra of "It's a good idea and it is written well but we are not sure if it will sell" seems to be a common theme in the publishing world these days. At least according to the two entrepreneurs who started their own literary publishing house with the sole intention of publishing good writing, regardless of whether or not it fits neatly into a marketing niche.

Their company is Dzanc Books. I read about them on a publishing blog that I read and on a whim I sent them an email inquiring whether or not they might be interested in non-fiction works.

Imagine my surprise when I got an email back, from one of the founders of the company within a half hour of my inquiry. They were indeed interested and they would not hold the fact that I was "represented by an agent" against me. Nice touch.

So I emailed off the proposal with a brief cover letter.

I actually don't think that my book is a good match for their literary press but it was so nice to hear something back from an actual person within a few minutes of asking a question that I figured I had absolutely nothing to lose. Plus they are dedicated to getting writers out into the schools to teach their craft, an activity I heartily endorse.

I'll keep you posted.

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