Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Plan B

For those of you who are riding the giant coaster with me, we are now ascending after a huge dip. The car is slowly creeping upward, creaking toward the crest, the pit of your stomach still hollow from the last drop. It is slow going but it is also time to catch your breath and remember that this is supposed to be fun. And there is always the possibility that the final stretch is a fairly flat, fast ride straight into the station.

I hate roller coasters--actually I hate going too fast, anytime, in any endeavor, because at heart, I am a serious control freak. This ride for me is pure torture, especially the long lulls between the ups and downs, probably times I should indeed be relishing the relative calm. In any event, it seems after a long conversation with Agent Number Two that we are hatching Plan B, that is actually fairly extraordinary.

Of course I am not at liberty to discuss it because there are too many pieces that need to fall into place, but if it does work, it will be one of those, "Why didn't we think of this to begin with?" moments that makes you wonder what we were doing for three months during all those long stretches. Probably hitching our hopes to possibility and passion, all of which is fine and well, but may not, in the end, sell books.

So hang on. I know I have to switch into editing mode and begin contemplating how all these new pieces might fit into what I have already constructed.

I am thrilled to finally be moving once again.

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