Monday, April 7, 2008

Don't Quit Your Day Job

Caution! Blogging can be hazardous to your health, at least according to the front page of yesterday's New York Times.

"A growing work force of home-office laborers and entrepreneurs, armed with computers and smart phones and wired to the hilt, are toiling under great emotional stress created by the around-the-clock internet economy that demands a constant stream of news and comments." Some are even dying from the stress, like the late Russell Shaw, age 60, a prolific technology blogger who who died of a heart attack, presumably from the stress of keeping up with the latest high tech information.

Now lest you think that we who are doing this for the fun of it are not under any stress, think again. I refer you specifically to Dr. Patty Khuly's recent post on the topic in which she "outed" herself as a bit obsessed with generating new material. In fact when Khuly recently went on a vacation cruise and was unable to post for a week (despite being told she would be able to), she mildly freaked out. But guess what? She and her blog survived.

Now I understand all about building an audience and keeping their loyalty--what do you think I am trying to do here?--and I also admit to being a tad bit obsessed with finding fodder for daily posts, but I'm a bit obsessive about a lot of things. But some of you may have noticed my recent tendency to post entries late in the day for the next (or maybe I shouldn't give away that secret) which is my attempt to alleviate morning angst on my part and not rise with the roosters.

Which, I think, is the bottom line--keeping it do-able and fun. There may even come a time when I take weekends off--but not yet. I'm still in the building stage and to those of you (bless you...) who receive this on a daily RSS feed, I hate to disappoint.

But fair warning. As soon a it gets to be a chore, I'm outta here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is something about blogging daily that is both a blessing and at times becomes a "chore", especially when appropriate new material becomes difficult to find.

At the same time, we are providing a service which folks really do appreciate. We can provide them with information that is helpful, or give them another view about a topic which may inspire them to give more thought to a position that they may be "stuck on."

Your blog is fascinating, and rich, full of a wide variety of topics that are both educational and holds my interest.

My husband reminds me when I feel
that "angst" that you talk about, and the well seems to be dry, that writers need to write something each day to keep those brain cells functioning. He is blown away by my daily posting and gives me a lot of support for doing them.

I do hope you will continue on your daily communications with your readers. I look forward to them each day.