Sunday, January 25, 2009

I Need Batman to Get Robin

At the moment I am doing battle with an errant robin (yes, the bird) that for some reason decided not to fly south this Winter (I think robins fly south...) and instead roost upon the thin ledge above the window over my family room door and taunt me. Really.

This rather fat bird has made a routine of flying onto the ledge and either pecking at the glass or at the window pane itself every morning as we eat breakfast. Then periodically throughout the day, it flies back and forth from a nearby holly tree back to this ledge to continue its mission to somehow get into the house or drive me crazy.

At other times during the day, the bird just sits on my patio wall and stares me down. Truly. I am not being paranoid or crazy. This bird is out to get me or at the very least get into my house.

The most visible sign of all this persistence on his part has been the seemingly never ending trail of bird poop that now decorates my patio, the ledge above the door and my doormat. It is a constant battle--me with broom--and bird with poop and guess who seems to be winning? I just don't want the dogs parading through the stuff and tramping it into the house, which is getting almost impossible to avoid.

I have no idea if the robin is misdirected or missing a few screws, but it seems to be very robust (for all I know it is a she and pregnant) and extremely persistent. And my dogs, the great reluctant hunters that they are, are oblivious, even to the poop.

So any suggestions for getting this bird to relocate would be greatly appreciated. I can't seem to find a nearby nest and I don't feed the birds because I only seem to be feed squirrels when I do, so I don't think I am doing anything to encourage this behavior. I would just like him to take up residence somewhere else.

Anybody have any experience with bird warfare?

1 comment:

the Source of the James said...

Considering this is the bicentennial of Edgar Allan Poe, I'd say you're fighting a lost cause.