Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jockeys on Animal Planet

Set your TIVOS for February 6 at 9:00 PM (Eastern Time) for the premiere of Animal Planet's new series, Jockeys. Advance buzz is that this reality-series-docu-drama, filmed at California's Santa Anita racecourse last Fall, is well done and worth viewing. I will pass judgement once I see a complete episode but the players certainly sound intriguing:

Mike Smith, Hall of Fame Jockey who will do whatever it takes to win
Joe Talamo, Young Rider eager to push his way up the ladder and earn better mounts
Chantal Sutherland, One of two females but she's tough and Mike Smith's girlfriend
Alex Solis, Trying to make a comeback from a broken back

There are other "players" to be sure, playing such predictable roles as "the Cal Ripken-type consummate work horse" (Aaron Gryder) and the "veteran" (Jon Court) but face it even without the stereotypes the drama among jockeys is well worth documenting. They are, after all, athletes who have chosen to compete in one of the world's most dangerous sports.

Add to this the fact that last Fall, Santa Anita experienced many difficulties with its newly installed synthetic surface, and you have yet another variable to add to the mix.

Sounds like a recipe for intrigue and excitement and you know that the photography will be great. Check back in after Feb. 6 for my take and let me know yours.


Anonymous said...

I want to tell you how much I enjoy your intersting and informative articles each day. Yours is the first site that I check on my list of "favorites". Keep up the fantastic work.....and I cannot wait to see your Barbaro book in print!

Kathryn Levy Feldman (Kit) said...

And your wonderful comments make it all worthwhile!! Thank for the praise and don't hold your breath about the Barbaro book. It seems to be going nowhere fast.....