Friday, December 4, 2009

Bless the Beasts and the Children

Maybe "only in California applies," but I think the Rev. Tom Eggebeen, pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles, might be on to something. As NPR reported, when wondering how to increase membership at his church, Eggebeen hit upon the idea of including four legged parishioners in Sunday services. Apparently, the idea has caught on.

And while there is a bit of roughhousing and leash tangling as everyone gets settled, most say the dogs take to it as nicely as their owners, many of whom feel welcomed back into the flock. "I'll come as long as they do it," comments Vicky Rambow, owner of two mixed breeds. "This has caused me to come back" [to church].

As for Eggebeen, well he is delighted to include all members of the family, even those with fur. "Not only are they important family members, but there's more to it," he elaborates. "They belong to God, too, by gum."

Eggebeen includes a special prayer thanking God for all His gifts, "including our four-footed friends." "When God created life, he blessed every dimension of it," he elaborates. ""So we share that with all the animals of the world."

Critics may say we've taken our obsession with our pets too far, including them in religious services, but many congregations already hold a special event to bless the animals. For those who attend Eggebeen's services, there are dog biscuits at the end for good behavior.

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