Sunday, December 13, 2009

Update on Madeline Pickens

Madeleine Pickens recently sent out the following letter to her supporters that outlines the difficulties she has been having dealing with the Bureau of Land Mangement. In this latest installment, after she admits that she was encouraged by Secretary Salazar's plan to create "preserves" for the wild mustangs, "basically along the lines of the proposal I submitted for the sanctuary in Nevada," she was dismayed to learn that these "preserves" would be created in the "Midwest or East, far from the natural habitat of the wild horses." In addition, she learned of the Bureau's plans for another roundup in the not too distant future.

All of her arguments, namely that the creation of these preserves would cost the taxpayers money while hers would not, as well as the fact that the holding pens are already bursting at the seams with rounded up mustangs, make perfect sense. The problem is, of course, that the government is not very good at listening or responding to common sense. My experience has been that if a problem is not complicated, the government will find a way to make it so, even if it just to employ a few more paper-shufflers.

I do feel for Pickens who is ever so logical. "In spite of the fact that all the facilities are full, they propose to gather another 12,000 horses with virtually no place to put them," she writes. "And yet my Foundation plan to build a sanctuary using private dollars for the purchase of the land languishes on some bureaucrat's desk."

Welcome to Washington, Madeleine, where NOTHING is easy and it is a MIRACLE that anything gets done. Rest assured that Ms. Pickens is in this for the long haul and delay after delay is not only making her frustrated but determined. I think the biggest takeaway is that she is digging in her heels, urging her supporters to voice their opposition to the latest round-ups at her website.

She also has put together a very Texas-based Board of Directors that reads like a cross between the NFL and Hollywood. I truly do think she needs to add a legitimate animal advocate or two (with national experience) to give her credibility. Yes, these celebrity types will "pony" up the cash, but she needs credibility in the eyes of Washington. Money may or may not solve this situation.

In the meantime. if you feel inclined you can always let her know you're on her side.

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