Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Weiss Walkie

A few years back, I remember going to an open-house at one of our local pet supply stores with an animal communicator who advised me on all sorts of things about Phoebe, including why (at the time) she was so stubborn on a leash. Part of her demonstration involved some sort of rope-type leash that she wrapped around Phoebe's belly in some type of harness hold, and lo and behold, she no longer pulled.

Of course I bought one of these rope gizmos but I never mastered the art of putting it on properly so it hangs in my leash collection to this day. Imagine my surprise when I read about the newest leash contraption for pullers--the Weiss Walkie. Invented by Emily Weiss, Ph.D. a certified animal behaviorist especially for shelter dogs who are not trained to walk on a leash, the Weiss Walkie clips onto the dog's collar and wraps around its belly. Amazingly, it works. And it looks like it is easy to use.

It works by a combination of dog psychology and dog physiology. When the dog pulls, the rope exerts pressure around the dog's chest and his normal instinct is to slow down or back up. And there is something actually very calming for the dog about being wrapped around its belly.

Whatever the reason, shelter workers rave and I am now thinking of investing in one for Sam. Phoebe no longer pulls--in fact compared to Sam she is angel. But Sam is so strong that it is dangerous and difficult to walk him on a leash--especially in and out of the grooming salon or the vet.

Of course, it all might be a phase--witness the calm Miss Phoebe--but I may not last that long!

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