Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like. . .

We had quite a snow event over the weekend and Philadelphia ended up with 23 inches! In our neck of the woods, the drifts are actually deeper and some are smaller but overall we have about 18 inches or so, depending on where you measure. This dog statue is in our front driveway and it stands a good 36 inches. As you can see, it is practically covered but we think this is a result of blowing, not actually straight accumulation. Still it is impressive!

The firgure in red is one of my sons on snowshoes (!) and you can see on Sam how deep the snow is in the back yard. Let's put it this way, when I forced open the door to let them out yesterday morning, they plopped down in the snow drifts and looked at me. it wasn't until I went out with a shovel and cleared a path (with them trailing behind me, their personal snow plow) that they ventured forth to do their business. And believe me they did need a clearing because the snow was that deep!

The forecast is for cold dry sunny days this week and we may get another storm on Christmas Eve, but this time it might be rain. In any event, we will surely have a white Christmas. And now that the worst shoveling is over, we will all enjoy the scenery.

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