Sunday, August 28, 2011

Apps Go Ape

No surprise that orangutans like iPads. When you think about it, they are some of our closest primate relatives, a factor that influenced a program at the Milwaukee County Zoo, where keepers have had success introducing two of the zoo's orangutans to the tablet.

"One of the biggest hurdles we face is that an orangutan can snap an iPad like you or I could rip cardboard," said Richard Zimmerman, executive director of Orangutan Outreach. "Even the little guys . . . are incredibly strong. A big male could take it apart in about five seconds."

First step was finding an orangutan-proof case, and even with that the apes are not given free rein with the electronics. The do, however, already have favorite apps, shows and games! MJ and Mhahl enjoy finger paiting with DrawFree, watching television shows and love interactive books!

"We'll show the orangutans videos of themselves, videos of wild orangutans and other animals that reside at the zoo," said Scott Engel, the iPad enrichment coordinator at the zoo. "This has been very successful and really seems to hold their interest. In fact, I think that MJ has a crush on David Attenborough. Whenever he comes on to narrate a scene, her eyes light up and she just stares."

I wonder how they would feel about our book trailer?

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