Monday, April 23, 2012

The Great Rabbit Hunter Returns

Ah Spring, when a young man's fancy turns to love and an old dog's fancy turns to rabbits. The rabbits made a guest appearance over the weekend and Phoebe was immediately on the case.

Saturday night she refused to come inside until the wee hours and then hovered and whimpered near the door. I knew what was out there but decided to wait until daylight to see for myself. Of course by the next morning, all that remained was what you see in the photo above: an excavated hole, some rabbit fur and lots of dried grass clippings that at one time must have been used for warmth.

I am not sure if rabbits actually used this nest or simply constructed it because by the time I found it it was empty. And Miss Phoebe was feeling a bit peckish as I discovered this morning in various places outside and in which leads me to believe something was consumed.

Not to worry, the Great Rabbit Hunter seems chipper this morning and ready to resume patrol but it is raining and for the moment, that has put a damper on her mission and the scents of cottontails.

Ah Spring, when one would think the rabbits would learn not to nest on a property where the Great Rabbit Hunter resides. But don't tell her I suggested it.

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