Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Dolphin Cruelty in Japan

News from Japan that the Taiji Whale Museum is conducting cruel experiments on dolphins that involve the removal of a newborn calf from its mother (often prior to weaning) so that its sale can be expedited. The first attempt at this early weaning resulted in the death of the calf.

The Taiji Whale Museum is far from a model aquarium in other ways, according to BlueVoice.org. According to Hardy Jones, a member of the watchdog group who is filing reports, "This dreary facility violates an uncountable number of international norms on how marine mammals should be kept." These include confining Bottlenose and Pacific Whitesided dolphins to a tiny cement tank where they are compelled to do tricks and isolating a female killer whale in another small tank, never permitting her contact with other creatures.

The worst offense, according to Jones, is the confinement of three Pan Tropical Spotted dolphins to a former sea otter exhibit, so small that they can barely move.

Jones writes: "Pan Tropical Spotters are animals of the open sea. They do not know confinement or barrier. They are also known not to survive long in captivity." In fact, this is the second set of Pan Tropical Spotters at the Taiji Whale Museum; the first set died in 2006.

Dolphin come cheaply in Japan and are routinely slaughtered for food. If this situation appalls you, you can join the protest by emailing the Ministers of the Environment at: www.meti.go.jp/english/index.html. Apparently calling the Japanese "uncivilized" is one of the worst insults you can use.

I doubt anyone would disagree with the claim that the treatment of dolphins is "uncivilised."


Anonymous said...

The link you provided led to a blog not found . . . have they possibly closed for comments due to pressure, or is there another address for comments? I agree that their treatment of dolphins is UNCIVILIZED!

Dj Raven said...

My Name is dj raven i helped start cholinia turtle rehabilitation center with a lady called Lezley Baird in Broome WA. i am appalled to see the visions i saw regarding the dolphins being slaughtered for 10 dollars a slab of meat,this disgusting practice has got to stop now that the world has seen what the Japanese are doing the world must act now before our lovely dolphins population dwindles.
just like the turtles are endangered so are the dolphins and other marine life what is it going to take for the world to open there eyes and see that Japan must be stopped from doing this disgusting practice of this so called experimental research
i want everyone from around the world in every country in every state town village to protest and especially Broome where i started off to save these beautiful creatures from death.Broome wake up! or else there will be more dolphins to watch and out tourism will not be good for the future Please save our dolphins from these barbaric animals! Yours Sincerly Dj Raven