Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hope Over Fear

Allow me a moment of gratuitous reflection. This has been quite a Fall in Philadelphia. First the World Series and now the city helps deliver Obama to the White House. As I have written before, we truly have felt like the center of the Universe here in Philly and it has been wonderful.

For all those who are not thrilled with the President-elect, I offer you the following advice. Listen carefully to what he is saying. Get past whatever kept you from voting for him and pay attention. I think you may be surprised that what you hear is not as "liberal" as you may have thought. Example: Education is critical to success. Parents, turn off the television. Read to your kids; get involved in their schools and help them with their homework. Doesn't sound too radical to me.

For those who are thrilled about the election, do not gloat. Offer your hand to your neighbor with the McCain lawn sign and don't ever forget the spirit in which this man was elected: hope over fear.

And for those of us who have raised members of what I believe is a truly a color blind generation, give yourselves a pat on the back. It has taken a long time but I think we have indeed taught our children well. Now the challenge is for them to convince their grandparents that the world truly is flat and we all are connected. Clinging to the old vision is just not going to cut it anymore, no matter how insulated your personal world remains.

I'm feeling very good about the future of our country these days and grateful to be living in such a vibrant city that for a few shining months really did sparkle!

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