Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A License to Exist?

A new hotly contested law in Vienna requires those who own breeds of dogs known as "fight" dogs to carry a license that proves that they can keep their dogs under control. These breeds include rottweilers, pit bull terriers, mastiffs and others have been, in effect, "branded" and as you can well imagine, many owners are up in arms.

According to Alexander Willer, a spokesperson for Vienna's main animal shelter, the list of breeds that require additional licensing was compiled at random and has made it very difficult for breeds on the list that are currently in shelters to find new homes. In addition, shelters have seen increases in the numbers of breeds on the list being abandoned.

"The image of these dogs has hit rock bottom," he said. "The majority of people who own these kinds of dogs are normal--they aren't psychopaths." Nonetheless, according to Valentina Simic, whose son was attacked by a rottweiler, some of these dogs are dangerous.

"Dogs are cute and all, but if people can't handle them properly then they shouldn't be allowed to own them," she said. It is interesting that this law puts the onus on owners, which is as it should be, but is doing so in a way that is ultimately harmful to certain breeds of dogs.

Not that we hear about attack poodles, mind you, but according to City Councilor, Ulli Sima, the law is not about vilifying certain breeds. "The animal doesn't have to know any tricks, fetch the paper or do a double back flip--all the owner has to do is show that he has it under control in a city setting," he remarked.

Elsewhere in Europe, notably the Slovak capital of Bratislavia, a similar law was repealed after about a year of protesting from owners of breeds on the list. One wonders if the same fate awaits the Viennese bill and/or whether strict leash laws would serve the same purpose.

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