Monday, July 12, 2010

We're Having a Heat Wave

In case you don't know it we have been having some insufferably hot conditions on the East coast and at this rate it is going to be a long hot summer. Although I rarely do this, the following advice from is so good about protecting your pet from heatstroke that I printed it as written.

Stay cool!

The summer months can be brutal to your dog. Dogs are much more susceptible to heatstroke than humans. One reason for this is, your dog wears his fur coat all year round. And while dogs do have sweat glands on their feet, they do not have them on the rest of their body. They rely on panting, a method of breathing out excess heat, to cool down their bodies. This method is not as affective as sweating.

Some breeds are much more susceptible to the heat then others. Dogs with thick, double-coats have a harder time beating the heat. Also dogs with pushed back faces, such as Bulldogs, Pugs and Boxers, have smaller airways, and therefore have less of an ability to blow out hot air.

The major cause of heatstroke in dogs is leaving a dog in a parked car. Even with the windows cracked on a 70° F (22° C) to 80° F (26° C) day, while it may feel comfortable outside, the inside of your car can heat up to over 100° F (38° C) in minutes! As you can imagine, with that fur coat on, your dog's body temperature rises very quickly.

Exercising in hot weather is another common way heatstroke can occur. As with humans, older dogs, over-weight dogs and or dogs with heart or lung ailments, are much more likely to suffer from heatstroke than younger dogs that are more in shape. Do not push your dog to exercise on very hot or humid days.

Suspecting Heatstroke

If you suspect your dog has heatstroke, cool him down as quickly as you can and call your vet immediately. Some of the are;

Symptoms of Heatstroke in Dogs

Rapid heavy panting
Petechiae (pinpoint, deep-red hemorrhages on gums/ skin)
Bright red mucous membranes on the gums and conjunctiva of the eyes
Hyperventilation (gasping for air)
Salivation early then dry gums as heat prostration sets in
Glassy eyes
Anxious expression
Refusal to obey commands
Warm, dry skin
Rapid heartbeat

In some extreme cases seizures, diarrhea and vomiting can occur. Cooling your dog's body temperature down quickly is very important. The fastest way to do this is by using cool water. Do not use ice water, as a dramatic change in temperature can be dangerous. You can put your dog in a bathtub, sink or kiddie pool filled with cool water. A very good way to cool down a dog is to put water on their chest. Also a lot of heat exits the dog's body through his feet, so having the dog stand in cool water will also help. Another way is to put cool wet towels around your dog's body, while he is standing in something cool. It is important to cool off the chest and feet. Be sure to refresh the towels in cool water every few minutes, as the towels will quickly reach the same temperature as your dog's body. Spraying your dog with the hose, dumping buckets of water on your dog, or placing your dog directly in front of an air conditioner are a few more ways you can cool down your dog's body temperature. Offer your dog a drink and be sure to contact your vet right away.

And Never, Ever, Ever leave a dog in a parked car for even ten seconds. Just imagine sitting in your parked car wearing a fur coat. Forget about it Ever.

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