Saturday, December 1, 2007

Back in the Saddle

I officially went back to work yesterday. I did an interview and wrote a short piece for a client. I still need to fact check it but it actually felt good to do be back in the trenches, so to speak. I also set up some interviews for projects next week. It will feel even better, no doubt, to get the cycle of income moving again.

To be fair, I have been working all along, but haven't really initiated anything for some time. This is partly the nature of freelance work--deadlines are often far in advance--and partly the result of taking myself out of commission for a while. It always takes a while to generate new work--especially when you would like to do it tomorrow--but my experience has shown that when it rains, it usually pours. In other words, new projects seem to come at once, often when you are the busiest.

It's funny but December is often a busy time. People like to wrap things up before the end of the year and some actually begin thinking ahead. January is a bit slower but that is when I usually start my projects due in early Spring. It is often easier to interview people in January than it is when the weather starts getting warmer.

It's fair to say that Barbaro has been moved to the back burner, something I probably should have done a long time ago.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kit- Sounds like you are building a solid portfolio with expertise on all the issues surrounding this poor horse. If you don't get the deal on the book you want to write, you will have a tremendous magazine article on the pain of making something happen in the publishing world. Then some other publisher will read your stuff, recognize its potential, and give you the opportunity you seek. Remember, Colonel Saunders was 64 when he opened his first KFC store! Have a nice weekend! -Larry