Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A Woman Walks into a Genius Bar....

When I was contemplating the job market during my senior year in college, my father offered the helpful suggestion that I could be "at the editor's desk" at the local all news radio station.

"And what would I do at the editor's desk?" I asked him, knowing he envisioned some sort of open space with frenzied reporters wearing headphones running in circles, desks with microphones, ON AIR neon signs and me somehow directing traffic.

"I don't know," he admitted. "But you could be at a desk." Implied was the presumption that he could also tell people where I was.

Yesterday I came up with an even better alternative: at the Genius Bar. Issues with syncing my previously no-issue i-phone with my computer forced me to make an appointment with tech support at the local Apple Store and I discovered that is where these wizards reside.

What an amazing concept: a Genius Bar. Imagine, telling your friends that your offspring worked at the Genius Bar. Trumps that Editor's Desk any day.

Anyway, the resident genius determined that the issue was not with the phone, but must be with my computer. And so I made another appointment for him to diagnose my software.

Which of course requires a return to the Genius Bar--a concept even my father could love.

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